Bonjour Friends! Before I forget; I wish you all a very happy Fete du Muguet and send you sentiments of health and happiness! Happy first of May.

The front window
I am very excited about my post today. I met with Kelli from A Rendez~Vous With Style on Wednesday at a charming little tea salon called Paris In A Cup located in the wonderful and historic Orange Circle in old town Orange. It was so nice to finally meet her in person and get to know her. I was so nervous, I don't know why but I was. I had a delightful afternoon! Kelli is so down to earth and so real. She was exactly as I pictured her to be ( I hope I was too). She drove a very long way to meet up and I appreciate it so much. She is such a sweet and intelligent woman. Being in Orange brought back many fond memories of my Mom and poor Kelli had to endure story after story about her as I reminisced. Thanks for listening Kelli! I really hope I didn't bore her to death!
The tea room was fabulous and so charming. We indulged in the most delicious tea, sandwiches, soup, and of course macarons! The decor was so cute with chandeliers (my favorite) sprinkled everywhere and the essence of Paris in every nook and cranny. We had a blast shopping in the boutique afterward, it was so hard to restrain myself from buying up everything. I knew that I was in the heart of antique paradise and wanted to save up for whatever treasures wanted me to take them home!

The boutique hosted a case with the most tempting goodies! These cupcakes are featured in Romantic Homes
After tea Kelli had a long drive home and had to leave. I had some rollover babysitting minutes saved up so I decided to stay and see if I couldn't find some treasures.

Mmmm...mmmm! These look irresistible! The macarons are delish and made by a local French woman with imported ingredients & made exclusively for the tea salon. I just acquired her phone number and I wonder if she will make some for a party!
While I was strolling around the picturesque streets lined with antique stores and old buildings, I realized that after spending the afternoon with Kelli she made me realize a lot of things. After hearing Kelli speak French and talk about old haunts, I realized that I had forgotten so much of that beautiful language. I was totally insecure about even attempting to speak a language I had used exclusively for 3 years (although a very long time ago). I need to start practicing and re-learning my French!

I also realized that the Paris that I know is most likely not the Paris I will visit again. So much has probably changed over the years and I am such a different person now. The things that interested me then are not at all the same as what would interest me now. How did I never think of this before? I would have a much deeper appreciation for the beautiful city now. Well, that's just more motivation to get me to really push hard and try and go to Paris with Claudia in August/September! Now I'm extra determined! It did make me a little bit sad to miss Paris so much and come to the realization that I had forgotten so much. Maybe a trip down memory lane with my old photos will help.

Shopping was great and I found tons of things I wanted to bring home. I was very good and only purchased a pair guessed it...light fixtures! I'll save that pic for last though! :)

Such pretty buildings and homes where everywhere I turned.

This trophy was so pretty in person. It had to be at least four feet tall.

This hat was too cute and in it's original box, never worn! The original receipt was tucked into the tissue paper as well. Darn if I didn't look to see how much it cost back in the day!

This kiosk had tons of sheet music but I just about fell over when I saw this beautiful cover.

It was love at first site for me! I love the Orange sherbet tattered velvet on this settee. I wrestled with the idea of giving a good and loving home for quite some time.

I would love to get together again with Kelli and if anybody else who wants to join us! We can meet here (it's right next to the tea salon). It's called PJ's abbey and it is a wonderful restaurant that used to be a church! They say eating there is "heavenly"! It is so cute inside and it's quite an experience.
Until next time!